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Buchulife UTI Relief Capsules


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SKU: BLN-URC Categories: , Tags: ,


BuchuLife UTI Relief Capsules have been demonstrated to be effective in the rapid treatment of urinary tract infections, including cystitis (bladder infection), urethritis (infection of the urethra), prostatitis (infection and enlargement of the prostate) and pyelonephritis (abdominal pain).

  • Antispasmodic – Anti-spasmogenic and spasmolytic effects will provide symptomatic relief of cramping in UTI, through effects on smooth muscle cells;
  • Natural Diuretic – Diuresis in the context of UTI provides enhanced bacterial clearing from the urinary tract allowing quicker resolution of the condition;
  • Anti-inflammatory – ongoing work characterising the anti-inflammatory effects of Buchu provides an analgesic dimension to the product.

BuchuLife UTI Relief formula with its soft gel encapsulation is unparalleled in terms of its multi-modal action in treating this condition. Laboratory testing has been undertaken (by Synexa) to elucidate the spectrum of activity against the pertinent UTI pathogens.  The common pathogens for UTI in Europe and the UK indicate that BuchuLife UTI Relief Capsules have efficacy against the following pathogens:

Bacterial Pathogen Buchu Efficacy (% organism killed)3
Proteus spp. 97.5%
E. Coli 47.6%
Enterococcus spp. 69.6%


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